preview: styled shoot

Putting together a “styled wedding shoot” was something I’d been wanting to do for quite some time. When it finally came together yesterday, I had the same feeling as at my own wedding–it was quite amazing to see so many different elements and different people, with different talents, coming together to create something beautiful. Just a very brief preview, for now–so, so much more to come later.

personal: papaw

My papaw, Charlie Brown, turned 91 this month so, for his birthday, we took him on a surprise trip to Indianapolis to go Atomic Duckpin bowling. (He had mentioned once, quite randomly, how he used to love it, not knowing Z and I had discovered the place during our quick-trip to Indy a while back.) At lunch afterwards (at Santorini’s), I asked him if he had fun, and he said, “Why yes, lots of fun! I hadn’t done that since before World War II.”

dayton maternity: michelle

I met up with Michelle at her home to capture some images of her beautiful baby belly (which got a little bit bigger since the last time you saw her). I cannot wait to meet (and photograph!) this newest little guy or gal!

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dayton senior photographer: meredith

Meredith’s mom contacted me early one morning couple weeks ago, after we woke up to the most beautiful snow, to see about having some snowy senior photos taken (she has had photos taken each season of her senior year so far–what  a fun idea and a lucky girl!). I was just thrilled at the chance to play in the snow, and capture these shots of Meredith (all taken right in her own back yard).

dayton ohio senior pictures in the snow

senior girl photograph in dayton smiling in the snow

outside casual senior photos in dayton

wintry senior pictures in dayton ohio

fun senior pictures

girl blowing snow in her senior portraits

girl blowing snow at camera