Category Archives: chit-chat

One Whole Year

So, exactly one year ago yesterday, this happened… (our wedding photography by the ever-awesome Jon Morton) …and what an absolutely wonderful, amazing year it has been. We’ve accomplished things that I never would have imagined we would after only a year of marriage. We’re defining what our family, and our lives, will look like. And,…

Busyness, Colds and Iced Clowns

(sad, falling-apart clown photo taken with Instagram on my Iphone) Now, I like to keep things pretty upbeat around here, but the past couple weeks have been kind of rough. Take an already busy work and shooting schedule and combine that with a killer headcold that decided to attack me late last week, and I’ve…

Back-to-School and the Beginning of Fall

I wanted to check in on this holiday, and after what has been a couple weeks of radio silence. It has been a crazy period for me: I started back to school, and am teaching more classes than I have before. Of course, my ultimate goal is to transition to doing photography full-time and, its funny,…

Reading Lately

Just a few more of the books I’ve been reading lately. And, as always, I’d love to hear your recommendations! (Sunflowers from our yard, courtesy of the Mister, who stealthily planted them before we’d officially closed on our house.) The War of Art by Steven Pressfield: I’m not usually one for self-help or “inspirational” books, but…

1 comment
  • Ooh, I want to read the War of Art…after taking off some time this summer, I need a big dose of inspiration to get back in the creative swing of things. Thanks for the recommendation! Right now I’m reading Davita’s Harp by Chaim Potok, because a few of my friends gave it rave reviews. If you like Potok, or are interested in mid-century international politics or Judaism you might enjoy it. It’s written from the perspective of a young girl whose parents are communist radicals- very interesting and unique.