Category Archives: chit-chat

the summer day

This Monday morning, I feel like dreaming big. And making big, terrifying plans to achieve those dreams. To stop asking permission, holding myself back or putting things off, and to plant my feet straight towards the direction I want to go. One wild and precious life–what do you plan to do with it? Photo from…

personal: instagrams

It has been a little bit since we’ve checked in on my Instagram feed (where you can find me @brianasnyder). From the past few weeks: homegrown, handpicked sunflowers; our puppers wrestling with Tuffy, my parents’ ‘horsedog’; a little pool break; hairbows from Kassie’s shower; finally getting to use a gift card to Press that was…

party inspiration: baby shower

Almost all of the photographers I know–myself, included!–are avid DIY-ers and like to create as much as they like to photograph the creations of others. I recently hosted a baby shower for a dear friend and her soon-to-be-here little girl. Perhaps it can be a little inspiration, if you have a similar event to host…


to “first look,” or to not “first look”?

  The “first look” debate. Is there really anything new to say? There are great benefits (especially from a photographer’s perspective) for a couple seeing each other before the ceremony. You have much more time to get portraits, and you can be ready to head straight to the party after the ceremony. Those “first look”…

happy fourth!

I hope you have a beautiful, relaxing, and fireworks-filled Fourth of July! And the photo is from Dayton’s fireworks last weekend, as viewed from our neighborhood. I do so enjoy living downtown!